Partnership Calendar 2008

From now on the new Partnership Calendar of the Indian Forum for the year 2008 is available.

Every month presents another topic, another scope of work of the Indian Forum, with text and photos.
The single topics are:
Indian Forum 'Mahatma Gandhi' (in general), Jharkhand, Adivasi, Partner schools, Partnership hand-over, Religions, Gossner Church, Sponsorship programme, students journeys, German Indian cultural programme, Projects and 'For the future...'

The back of the calendar is made of fibre board and can be unfolded in such a way, that the calendar can easily be placed on the desk (see photos below). If you are searching for a good idea for a christmas gift, why not giving such a calendar as a gift this year. That way not only the recipient of the present would be happy, but also the people in the projects in India, because the whole profit from the calendar sales will be donated to the Indian Forum.

You can buy it for the price of 10 Euro plus (if necessary) shipping costs amounting to EUR 1,45 for shipping inside Germany.
Please write us an  E-Mail with name, address and the desired amount of calendars. We will reserve these for you and will send you the account data, to which you can transfer the money. As soon as it has arrived on the account, we will send you the calendar(s).

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